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Tag: song

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Theme Song of the day?
Posted On 05/19/2012 08:54:59 by EuniceCrankyponts
Ever wake up with a song stuck in your head and you cannot remember all of the lyrics? Well, I woke up with this song stuck in my head this morning:This is Michael Damian’s version of a cover song "Rock On" from 1989. Seriously? 1989? Why did I wake up with THIS song stuck in my head. Why couldn’t it be something like “The hills are alive with music” or “If I could turn back time” or “Morning has broken”. Why a song from the 80′s. I guess because I am a child of the 80′s or m... Read More

Blue Silk and Love
Posted On 10/21/2011 10:17:08 by Megzz
I wrote this for my Writer’s Craft class; it is a short story based on Toni Morrison’s book song of Solomon. It contains spoilers from the book, so if you ever plan to read it, don’t read this.                             I’m going to do this, ‘cause I love them all, thought Mr. Smith as he made his way home from yet another day of collecting insurance. He walked up... Read More

my mechanical heart
Posted On 09/23/2009 21:09:15 by Rockofgod
i sleep
she sleeps
she sleeps silently
i sleep with a constant noise
a whir of my mechanical heart
she sleeps silently

she sleeps
with my noise
inside my chest

my heart it spins
so slow no silence
while she sleeps
next to me
so deep she sleeps silently
so silently next to me

she sleeps
with my noise
inside my heart

beneath my chest
beneath her breasts
the beat i love
the whir she loves
that she sleeps so silentl... Read More

my song of the day!!!
Posted On 03/03/2009 15:28:39 by elpelodelfuego

Songs that i'll take to my grave
Posted On 01/30/2009 22:18:16 by Kittygables
I thought this would be a good time for me to quote and or sing a few lines from certain songs that either helped me or haunt me with each passing year.   My back pages, a Bob Dylan song that was a hit by the Byrds in the mid 1960’s. What you’ve never heard of the song or The Byrds? I feel even older now. Thanks  *lol*   Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I defi... Read More

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