Hi There everyone :D - I was just wondering if there are others who wonder like me if its possible to get a cheap location in Breda this september, seems like there are a lot of double rooms in there for more or less 71 € each night buuuut I am single lalala, so what am I to do with a double room, guess what? There is still one bed free!!! So if you are I dont care about the gender - non smoker (because I dont smoke and it would just make me puke if you would like to smoke inside the room) and think about staying more than one night in Breda...I thought about maybe taking a three night booking sounds fun to me :D - well then be welcome I will have a car :D - if you would like to drive around but hey its cool I wouldnt sit in your lap :) - its just a way to get a cheaper accomodation :D and have fun!

Tags: Accomodation Room Breda Redhead