My main blog and photos are Breda are going to have to wait till I get home all - a bit b ehind because I had a "tyre" blowout (unknowingly - I thought I had hit something) and only realized when I went back to my car in the Blarney Castle carpark. So, I ate the hotel expense for the one in Galway I couldn't drive to yesterday, but I did make it to Cliffs of Moher if not the Aran Islands themselves.
Breda News:New item you may not know about, that new user
derbene has quietly posted, the footage from his German tv shoot:
It features Lolita and BartArt of course, but in the morph montage there is Lolita, Zaza, Recessive, me - CelticCurls, and more! Also check out the (dubbed) interview with "Dan the Guitarman" (GuitarDan777).
Be with you soon, gotta enjoy my 2 days in Dublin!
Tags: Ireland Tyre Blowout Breda Roodharigendag Red Hair Day