mem_normal OFFLINE

Mood: Loved
48 years old
United States, Texas

[ 184 ]
Referrals: 0

SPF: 45
EYE COLOR: hazel
OCCUPATION: full-time redhead
EDUCATION: some high school
SMOKE: not a puff
DRINK: sometimes
DRUGS: drug of choice: redheads
RELIGION: if I told you I'd have to kill you
BODY TYPE: slightly padded
HEIGHT: 5' 3"
GENDER: female
MEMBER SINCE: 08/24/2007
LAST LOGIN: 12/22/2007 12:08:38
ANYONE IS WELCOME TO COPY AND PASTE THIS TO FRIENDS~JUST PUT BEAUTIFUL FOR THE FEMALES OR HANDSOME FOR THE GUYS AND NOT BOTH~ENJOY**************************************** ********** This is a REDHEDD! Police inspection. You are in violation of REDHEDD'S T.O.L (Terms Of Luvvin) Your REDHEDD Licence only permits you to be mildly beautiful/handsome. You are clearly SMOKING HOT!! and so you are in breach Of community guidelines. I will amend your licence to indicate that anyone with a heart condition must obtain a doctors note Before viewing your REDHEDD page. REDHEDD! Licence (..'•.¸(..'•.¸ ¸.•'..).¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•.. .¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•.¸) ¸.•.. SWEET ¸.•'...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (“) ADORABLE.¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” CUTE .¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸ ¸.•.. (..•.¸SEXY ..•.¸) ..(¸.•'..'•.¸)..' •.¸GORGEOUS ¸.•) .¸.¤! ¤BOOTYLICIOUS.¸.•'' •.¸) ¸.•.. (.• WOW! *..¨). ¸.•..¸.•*..¨)( SMOKIN HOT•.¸)|.¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•' |¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•' |•.¸)|.¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸ VIEWING ADVISORY::: PLEASE CONSULT A MEDICAL PRACTITIONER BEFORE VIEWING THIS SITE IF YOU HAVE A HEART CONDITION..' •.¸)|.¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•' |•.¸)|.¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•'..(¸.•'.. ..'•.¸)..' •.¸) ¸.•...¸.¤! ¤.¸.•'..” (¸.•' | Please send this to 10 of your friends that you feel are in breach of their REDHEDD! T.O.L including me… if you get 1 back you are in minor breach 2 to 5 you are wrecklessly in breach 5+ your are so SMOKIN HOT you need your own fireman!!! (there are lady firefighters too LOL)

09/22/2007 12:47:41
09/22/2007 12:45:08

Adventure, Angels, Animals, Astrology, Computers, Creativity, Devotion, Dreams , Emails, Expressing yourself, Fantasies, Freedom, Friendship, Good Will, Happiness, Honesty, Great Ideas, HOT HISPANIC LOVERS, Independence, Inner Peace, Interesting people, Internet, Jesus, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Openness, A man in uniform, Responsibility, Stars in the sky

bad breath, poor hygiene,dirty old men LOL people who look at my profile and send no message or comment LOL

poetry~~A POEM I WROTE~~ BY CHANCE BY CHOICE It was by chance we met By choice we became friends Your friendship is like a beacon That can cause an inner glow As we make memories That will keep and last By sharing the present and the past Our thoughts at today's end Was today well spent? Did we show we cared By the things we shared as friends? Another day comes to an end And the stars are in the skies Tomorrow is another day To help us realize We can face each new tomorrow Because of our friendship that we share By the little things we do and say That lets us know we care May our friendship shine like a beacon And continue til the end Because I think of you As my special friend.

gonewild711 has 17 friend(s)


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12/23/2007 13:50:59
Thanks! and hope yours goes great as well!

From: itsjules
12/22/2007 23:51:08

Hey, Ladyface! I think your group is a GREAT idea and just as soon as I grow a pair, I will post my recent writings (I'm real damn shy, yo )

Now,I'm thisclose to posting a bulletin about your group...but I think you should have first dibs, lol, since it's YOUR group!

But let me know, because I have no compunction about doing it: you need to get people in there because  there are a lot of poets on this site!

Ok, I've babbled enough, I think (call me "brook") and I will catch ya later. Hope you're having wondrous hollydaze!

From: Dnarose
12/20/2007 11:36:07
I noticed you had listed you were angry. I hope things get better. I'm sick with a sore throat. : ( 

From: OleRed
12/19/2007 03:01:08
 Hey Tex! Just wanna thank you personally for joining, and most of all participating in our group's forum. Thanks a million. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

From: Dnarose
12/15/2007 19:26:57
Happy Holidays right back at you.  We are expecting a snow/ice storm tomorrow. It's really looking like Christmas here. We had 3 snow storms already with the 4th on Sunday.

From: jackass
12/15/2007 17:27:26

From: godfear
12/14/2007 11:48:00
Hello glad to have U here hope you have a great time

12/12/2007 19:17:41
Loved the poem....Thanks for the add..

12/12/2007 15:49:18
yes it appears to be quite the gathering place all of a sudden, to bad i'm at work most of the time it happens.!!

From: BrandiLea
12/11/2007 15:48:40

Thank you, I hope that you have happy holidays as well!

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