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Posted On 06/25/2009 17:15:18 by kelly_crazy_red
MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

R.I.P MJ U LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Farrah Fawcett Looses Battle With Cancer
Posted On 06/25/2009 13:09:16 by Boltzero
  Charlie's Angel is now the newest heavenly angel after Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer.A recent documentary chronicled her day by day activities while undergoing treatment to fight back against this deadly disease.She had a brief period of remission, then the cancer returned with a vengeance on the last part of the documentary.By then Farrah had been weakened by chemo treatments, numerous surgeries, and boatloads of daily medications.A sad ending to a long fought battle.&n...; Read More

Posted On 06/25/2009 11:40:59 by Serenity
 Instructions: Put your favorite music player on shuffle (Party Shuffle on iTunes) and fill in the names of the songs in the order they show up.   When I'm drunk I say: 3AM ~Matchbox 20 My alter-ego is: What them girls like ~ Ludacris At my funeral they'll play: Kind and generous ~ Natalie Merchant What I did last night was: Again ~ Janet Jackson What makes me happy is: Head over heels ~ Alanis Morisette This song describes my grandparents: Butterfly ~ Mariah Carey My last words will... Read More

Daily Quote...
Posted On 06/25/2009 08:08:50 by Redei
Hiya just got this quote... and man oh man did this ever hit me right between the RED EI.. LOL  Sorry that was a bit lame of me but the quote still rocks... xoxo  Ei

"Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality."  Ralph Marson... Read More

The Killers - Mr Brightside
Posted On 06/25/2009 02:52:31 by Boltzero

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