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Club Otaria Newsletter
Posted On 03/26/2010 04:26:05 by Tempermus

Club Otaria Newsletter (updated Thursday, 25 March 2010)

Welcome to Club Otaria… This fantasy club for girls is going to be so exciting that we don’t even want to think about it… Let’s just start! 

The club still only exists in our minds, but that’s good enough for starters because all it needs is girls, one boy (me) and nature… We don’t need any buildings or rooms! All we need is each other and nature… and maybe a couple of tents if we decide to go camping.


If we all share the same feeling, then we’re already there! Some of you might know and remember that TV series Adventures of Sinbad, which was shot in Cape Town. The special effects were poor, but remember those beautiful pine forests? That’s the kind of magical mood we want… Maybe we can all camp in those very same forests!


Below is a list of things you can start doing right now to help our club grow. Yes, it’s your club as much as it is mine. We can share everything without having to change our livestyles! It’s a club where you can still live your normal life and be part of it at the same time.




1.  Show this newsletter to all your female friends! (Age 17 and up)

2.  Don’t show it to any boys as it’s only for girls! (And one boy)

3.  Email the other members! (Members must get to know each other)

4.  Email me any questions about Club Otaria! (For our FAQ page)

5.  Email me any questions about me! (I love questions)

6.  Email me your answers to the questions below! (Subject: Answers)

7.  Share a fantasy with me and the other members? (Optional)

8.  Email me a plan for a club camping trip! (We should all plan it together, and remember the location is where Sinbad was filmed!)

9.  Find a way to advertise this club to many more girls! (Email, Facebook, My Space, posters, etc – you’ll get stars for achievement!)

10.      Make a donation!

11.      Get donations from female friends!

12.      Email me any suggestions!

13.      Email me for friendship! (I want to get to know you ALL!)

14.      Keep sending me photos of yourselves! (I love photos)

15.      Keep this club a total secret you only share with other girls!

16.      Already start thinking about a tent and other camping gear! (So you have it ready for the future in case we all decide to meet!)


If we raise enough money maybe we can even buy a small plot of forest in Cape Town and build our very own Club Otaria lodge in it!




1.  Are you a vegetarian or might you consider becoming one?

2.  Do you also like cats?

3.  Are you heterosexual, bisexual or at least “bi-curious”?

4.  Are you very religious? (Might not work for this club!)

5.  Did you used to watch Adventures of Sinbad?

6.  Do you have a tent?

7.  Do you have transport?

8.  Do you have a digital camera or camera phone? (We’ll want to take pictures of our camping trips for the Club Otaria photo album)

9.  How comfortable are you talking about sex?

10.      How do you feel about this club so far?

11.      Do you have any camping experience?

12.      Do you enjoy camping or at least like nature?


Here are some basic rules you must obey to stay a member of this club! (Gotta have rules)




1.  Prompt replies!

2.  Send photos!

3.  Get more girls to join!

4.  Keep boys out of it!

5.  Contribute a lot!

6.  Long emails!

7.  Email other members!

8.  Get to know me!

9.  Ask questions!

10.      Make donations!

11.      Get other girls to donate!

12.      Keep this club a secret!


I hope this is the start of something beyond all our wildest dreams and fantasies! I love all you pretty girls who joined my club and look forward to a giant group hug and getting to know all of you! I hope you’ll all like each other and me, and that there’ll be no catfights! 


Love to all, Mischa


My Biography

STATUS:::::::::::::::::single white male
NATIONALITY::::::::South African-Swiss HEALTH::::::::::::::::::vegetarian, non-smoker, no drugs or alcohol


WEIGHT::::::::::::::::::80kg PHOTO:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ask *
FAVOURITE MOVIES::::::::::::see Movies list *
FAVOURITE TV SERIES:::::::see TV list *
FAVOURITE CELEBRITIES:::see Actresses and Models files *
FAVOURITE MUSIC:::::::::::::::see Music list *
FAVOURITE ANIMALS:::::::::::cats (also like dogs)
INTERNET ACCESS:::::::::::::::Internet café (once a week or less)
EMAIL ADDRESS #1::::::::::::::crimson_satin@yahoo.com
EMAIL ADDRESS #2::::::::::::::sooty.beauty@gmail.com
ART TRAINING:::::::::::::::::won school art competition, did

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Betty Edward’s drawing course,

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::took a few painting lessons and art ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::classes, got selected for German art ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::school Die Maske, and passed a ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::commercial art course
ART PRODUCED::::::::::5 portraits of actress Allison Lange *::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0486068/)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::456 computer art images (in Photoshop) *::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::329 erotic illustrations for a book::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::73 A4 pages of new art (sketches) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::200 old artworks (most still in Belgium)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8 big cat drawings (60cm x 60cm) *
WRITING PRODUCED::::::::ideas for games, etc:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::fantasy writing *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::various old writing:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::400 poems *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::short stories (including erotic) *
ENTERTAINMENT::::::::::::::I can email you what has stars (*) 

Club Otaria Details


STARTED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Thursday, 25 March 2010

NUMBER OF GIRLS:::::::::::1 (the club only just started!)

FANTASIES SHARED::::::::0 (the club only just started!)

MY FANTASIES::::::::::::::::::ask *

FAQS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::0 (the club only just started!)

FUTURE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::FAQ page, Fantasy page, website!

CLUB GET-TOGETHERS:::forests where Sinbad was filmed!

OTHER LOCATIONS:::::::::::lake, Table Mountain, Tulbagh, etc!

IDEAS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ask *

GAMES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ask *

QUEEN:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::one girl will be crowned Queen!

NEWSLETTER:::::::::::::::::::::updates will be forwarded to you


Club Otaria Girls You Can Email



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