Ok I am back from heading over to the school. I am trying to get the house in order and everything packed today since I have to work tomorrow. So much fun....NOT!
My kids are out of break now, and I have to work tomorrow and that is going to be no fun. I just know that when I get home the house will be a mess and ARGH craps gonna hit the fan! I have to sneak the easter basket stuff in the van somehow, guess I will pack it in a black trash bag or something. can't see through that very well.
I need to get my butt in gear, but I am trying to get everything washed and ready! Its endless things to do around here. I woke up with a dry throat again this morning. I can tell you if I get that throat crap again I am going to have my tonsils out, its been too many times and I just can't afford to be at the doctor all the time. Well I suppose I better get my ass in gear and get something done!
It's been really wet here too. Hubby even got his 4wd stuck when he went out to check the oil wells. The roads were all washed out. I'm also looking forward to better weather and all the flowers and sunshine!
Sorry girl, been really busy today, THEN I have a few phones calls that I had to return and now I have to run over to the school and have my son turn in his homework that he has completed. ITs been CRAZY! I will be back in just a little while though and then I will message you again! LOL!