RED HAIR IS THE STAR! so move over blondes and brunettes!

mem_normal OFFLINE

Mood: Bored Bored
23 years old
In The Stars
United States, California

[ 461 ]
Referrals: 0

SPF: 25
EYE COLOR: green
OCCUPATION: full-time redhead
EDUCATION: prefer not to say
SMOKE: not a puff
DRINK: sometimes
DRUGS: I daren't
RELIGION: redhead
DATING STATUS: single & looking
BODY TYPE: nymphette
HEIGHT: < 5' 0"
GENDER: female
MEMBER SINCE: 12/23/2007
LAST LOGIN: 01/08/2008 17:41:15
MY RATING: 10.00
Clay Aiken,Gloria Estefan, Michael Buble, Taylor Swift

01/07/2008 19:45:07
01/06/2008 12:20:53
01/03/2008 21:48:18

Welcome to my profile. I love red hair and am not a natural red head to be specific I was born with a ashy dark brown hair color. I first dyed my hair red for halloween when I was twelve years old. I was agent Dana Scully and ever since then I've been a red head. I get my hair done by a man named Charley who works up in Newyork doing makeup and hair for priscilla and boston. It's a magazine for dresses and wedding gowns. He knows the color that I like and is willing to do what ever I ask him to and still make me look good. Luv ya Charley mean it! Some other things about me is I love music and I love to sing. My favorite singer of all time is Gloria Estefan. To me she has such a beautiful unique voice that really stands out. I love to workout and eat healthy. I do have one guilt food that I can never say no to and that is chocolate chip cookies.
Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box Ego Box
  • You Are 32% Shy
    You are slightly shy, but overall, your reactions to social situations are normal. You dread difficult social situations, but you still handle them with grace.

  • Pale Skin
  • Red Hair
  • Blonde Hair
  • Dark Hair

  • Meaness
  • Rudeness
  • Disrespect

  • Music, Singing, and Modeling

  • FeistyPixie has 53 friend(s)


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    From: ryeguy
    01/07/2008 21:25:33
    I love how your profile changes good job u go girl and by the way always diggin the hair and glasses very sexy

    From: gracecuneo
    01/07/2008 20:31:46
    oh yeah, they are really good for you, especially with the yolk, that's where all the protein is. But I eat oatmeal too and i can eat cereal but I let it sit in the milk for a bit to get softer.

    01/07/2008 19:50:49
    Now, that, my dear, was hilarious - Thanks . : )

    From: waywardred
    01/07/2008 19:42:41
    I am old enough to be a king. So King Dork it is.

    From: gracecuneo
    01/07/2008 19:10:44
    yeah he said that the next few weeks are going to be rough because of scar tissue but if I take nibbles of my food and chew it really good, i shouldn't have much of a problem, but if i do, I have to go back to soups and pudding and mashed potatoes.

    From: gracecuneo
    01/07/2008 18:42:56
    Yes and the Dr told me that it wasn't me, it was actually the scar tissue that caused it!

    From: Farlaugh
    01/07/2008 16:48:06
    Happy New Year!

    From: s2budd
    01/06/2008 17:59:43
    I lost my car keys. . . . No spare. Bad day

    01/06/2008 13:37:32

    No I totally agree with you that the winners aren't always the best. Clay was proof of that, as well as with Chris. Very true!

    I guess with Chris his lil bald head got me! lol His music is good too of course.

    Ididn't know Blake had an album....need to find his music for sure. Loved when he did beat box.

    From: s2budd
    01/06/2008 12:13:22
    I have some storys... Ill talk to ya when I figure out where my car is! Off I go downtown.

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