It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me!

mem_normal OFFLINE

Mood: Happy
107 years old

United Kingdom

[ 57 ]
Referrals: 0

SPF: 45
EYE COLOR: hazel
OCCUPATION: full-time redhead
EDUCATION: some college
SMOKE: not a puff
DRINK: not a drop
DRUGS: prefer not to say
RELIGION: christian
BODY TYPE: average
HEIGHT: < 5' 0"
GENDER: female
MEMBER SINCE: 09/21/2007
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 01/30/2008 12:01:57
I don't like to read that much!

TMNT,Dog Soldiers, Ginger Snaps, Any sort of horror movies and disney and......I like alot of different kinds of movies!

There are no blogs submitted!

People tend to describe me as shy which is true when I am with people I don't really know! When Im alone of with good friends i am still shy with cetain things but I come out of me shell a bit more. Speaking of shells! I adore the ninja turtles! I can't wait to get the new movie! I also love all animals but I love wolves the most! I do have a bad side though! If anyone is horrable of a redhead or even says the word Ginger (I take it as an insult) I tend to hold a grudge against them! I was badly bullied in high school about my hair and had a panic attack! I have 2 black and white cats called kike and safi! (African Names) I love them like ym own children!

WolfSpirit has 37 friend(s)


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From: littlered
01/25/2008 15:28:00
Happy Birthday for yesterday hope you had a lovely day.

From: redgem
01/24/2008 14:41:17

sadly it's my mate's car and yes it's red

iwould settle for orange though.

although black is always classy...

From: redgem
01/24/2008 14:16:16
that's funny about the orange dog, hehe.

From: redgem
01/24/2008 14:12:51
sounds like you have some nice plans.  i'm not doing anything special but my friend is coming over in her brand new tigra tomorrow afternoon for a spin  ...er, guess the colour...

From: redgem
01/24/2008 13:51:47
happy birthday my dear! 17 was one of my best years...  doing anything special?

From: redgem
01/24/2008 13:39:23

today is your birthday?  many happy returns!

idon't understand the redhead abuse that seems to mainly happen in the uk.  maybe it's a jealousy thing?


01/24/2008 13:06:42
happy Birthday, beautiful girl!! 

01/24/2008 08:06:04
I should mention, you look absolutely SMASHING for 107 years old!

From: EmirAtif
01/24/2008 06:37:23

Happy birthday to you,

hope all your dreams come true.

01/24/2008 05:17:43
Happy Birthday! hopeyou have a smashing day!

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