Self-professed Good Girl
Female 21 years old Florida United States Profile Views: 87
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current college student |
03/05/2008 21:02:58 |
~Gator sports ---==,^^^,o/_
~Art--Wasily Kandinski, Takashi Murakami, Rene Magritte, Henri Matisse, Oskar Kokoschka, Andre Derain, Gauguin, Modigliani, Chagall….
~Horseback riding
~Being a Southern Belle
~Practicing French,Latin,and Spanish…Greek’s next on my to-do list
~Good Manners
~Going to the beach, fishing, going to the beach some more…a Florida girl born and bred
~My dog
~Trying to be accepted to the Study Abroad in the UK program or the Paris Program for Fall'09 (Wish me luck!!!)
Half of these make me sound like a snobby elitist, the other half make me sound like a redneck…I promise I’m neither :)
Any and every thing...except Smooth Jazz
Tim O’Brien
Cormac McCarthy
Evelyn Waugh
Graham Greene
Charles Bukowski
Oscar Wilde
Denis Johnson
Jonathan Swift
Flannery O’Connor
Carl Hiassan
Guilty Pleasures:
Calvin and Hobbes
Jane Eyre
Harry Potter
New Jersey accents
Too much hair-gel
Men who drink anything other than beer and the occasional shot. No fruity-drink men for me.
*Wine's good too.
Having broad shoulders never hurts too
Irish accents make me melt...
French,Scottish,English(and for some reason Bostonian) accents all come in a close second
Athletics: college,intramural,city-league,professional, anything
I am a paradoxical not-too-girly girly-girl...
I hop over puddles to spare my shoes/pedi, even though I know I look silly. I have very soft skin. My hair smells better than most people’s perfume. When I like a guy, I unconsciously bite my lower lip when he’s talking to me. I own more shoes than should be legally allowed. I have a lifetime subscription to Vogue.
I will never dress up my dog or own one that fits conveniently in my handbag. I prefer watching football, and sports in general, to shopping. Pretending to be vapid is not my strong suit. I think chick flicks are horrible. The Notebook included...sorry ladies. I am one of the most laid back people I know. I have a million guy friends and they all seem to think I'm one of the boys.
On another note, I wish I was:
Taller (just 2 more inches)
More idealistic
Smaller boobed
A better driver
Not always late