Viewing 1 - 9 out of 12 Blogs.
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For those who know I lost my Boston Terrier not that long ago.It hurt like crap and still does! But the house just wasn't the same without a dog in it .So after talkin' with the wife and family we decided to look for a new member to the family.So we just brought home a new Chocolate lab puppy.We named her "Annie" like in Annie Oakley.We love her she is so great.She isn't here to replace "Colleen" no dog could,she's just makes it a lil easier.
I love rollercoaster's can't get enough of them,but the rollercoaster of life kinda stinks!You know that my ride is headed up with my jobs!But as with real coaster's ,life's has dips and turns.Well my ride took a dip on Moday,I had to have my Boston Terrier "Colleen" put down.It was diffently the hardest thing I had to do.I had no chose the Vet did everything possible but the quality of life for Colleen wasn't good.So after almost 13 years I had to do what was right.For those who don't know she was my Grandparent's since she was 6 weeks.I helped raise her since and got her when both of them pasted.So when I had to have her put down it was like losing my Grandparents all over again.I miss her she was my Bud!So as to not get down I've been puttin' that energy into my work and artwork.But I'm not gonna get down I'm just gonna work harder.So when the coaster throws a turn or dip don't get off just holed on and ride it out!
I just had a meetin' with the comicbook company last night.I handed in my artwork and we talked and....I GOT THE JOB !!!!! They loved my stuff,they said that I will be the ONLY artist to pencil that character in his own title book!!!!At the next meetin' we'll be signin' contracts,and in the mean time they gave me another title character to look at and read the first script!!! I am SO PUMPED!!! I could not sleep last night ! I'm gonna sit down today and read the script and maybe do some drawin'.And what makes it even cooler they said that when my character's first title is finished I can dedicate it to my cousin Richie !!!! I am So tickled that I had to let you know ! Wish me luck and I will keep you up to date on what happens!!!
I always thought that the saying "Good things come to those who wait " was a bunch of BULL!!! Mainly if you watch the people around you get things, and you don't ! You know you work your butt off ,follow directions & rules & laws and still fall and fail while others do what they want and get it ! Well after 28 years of tryin' it looks like some of MY dreams are comin' true! I've been doin' a Art/Craft busness for awhile and soon will be doin' a web site! I've just started a new job in Dec 2007 that Ive always wanted to do since I was in school which I'm doin' now.Which is workin' with troubled kids who need to be shown how to live right & to be successful in life! And now that I'm doin' it ,it is the first job that I can say I LOVE!! And can't wait to return the next day! And Now after tryin' since I was 10 looks like I am gettin' my chance to be a Comic Book artist! Years of bein' turned down by the BIG companies a lil company startin' up are interested in me to be on board !!Now the comicbook isn't just my dream it was also my cousin's dream .We alwaysed wanted to do it together when we got older but Richie didn't get to see it happen.Richie died at 16 years of age from M.D.(Muscular Dystrophy).Now I get a chance to do it for both of us!!! So even if things are bad or don't work out ....keep tryin' for your dreams!!!They just may happin'!
Well I keep this short ! I haven't ben acting myself lately.So much ??? hittin' the fan all at once again. But this time I just can't joke it off it's just too much to bare !! With everything from my health which is gettin' worse,to my new job that I don't like ,to home and now my Grandmother who is my last Grandparent for we don't know for how much longer .It's so bad that when I try to joke around,which at the time sounds funny to me but not to everyone else just gets me further in trouble.That even when I try to talk to friends on the computer or home just gets worse.Which is why I deleted "friends" from myspace.It's either I'm gonna get down to about 20 friends or just delete all of my accounts !And just go away !
Has anyone have one of those days that your not really pist or in happy mode ? But it doesn't take that much to piss you off ! Well I had one of those today ! We ALL know how much we get or got picked on for our hair ! And how much it hurt !But through it all it made us ... US !!! But how many of us still get hurt today because of some ass**** for picking or just saying a comment to you one to many times and it hurt and we snapped ? And sometimes it comes from a fellow Red ! As far as I am concerned we are ALL REDS no matter what shade of the color.We all have to know that for us to stand together or we fall one by one ! Where I'm going with this is when I was younger my hair was RED with some Orange the older I got like High School it was Red the last few years it is going Auburn.Now I love being a Red I mean I LOVE IT !!!Ask anyone ,I love being called a Redhead !Because it is Me ! No Blonde ,No Brunette ! Just simply RED for it is the BEST COLOR hands down !And if isn't then why are the others wanting to be like us ?Because we are the best all in one great Red package !But what gets to me ,what piss' me off ,what really hurts is when someone looks at me and tells me that I'm NOT A REDHEAD!!! Now I take great pride in being a Redhead because of how few we are .And because of the ones in my family that are ,and for the great people in history that were and that are .It fills good to be part of a GREAT SMALL CLUB!But all it takes to knock me down and to hurt is to say that ! It never fails first I get pist then I get depressed which is were I'm at right now ! I know I shouldn't let it get to me which is what people tell me but when told that it hurts ,you take that away from me or any Redhead it just removes us from a great crowd to just one of the many other look-a -likes Blondes & Brunette"s !
Hey! Hey! Just a short blog !If this is a Redheaded love community , who has a myspace site ?I think it would be good to get to know each other .I know I would like to know my new friends better, and I would like you to know me better !Now I'm NOT saying that we go there !!!We have a great place here just for us and I love it here!But it would be nice to get to know each other better.So what do you say?Mine is on my page.Who wants to share?And if this is a bad idea ,then tell me to go to hell and I'll drop the subject !
One of my friends asked me a question that I thought I would ask you ! How do you feel about people coloring their hair red ?Now I love the NATURAL Red Colors ,BUT the bottled colored is ok IF it looks good ( close to natural as possible )I kinda take it as a complement !But along with that you got to have the passion/attitude to pull off the color !But colored can't ever be better than the real deal !Now that's just my take on it !
I was watching something on TV about getting old and I started thinking(which hurts sometimes !!)Anyways,Is it just me or do us Redheads just go White instead of going Gray ?The more I started thinking I remembered that my Grandfather (who I 've always known had White hair,but was Red !)my Father who was Stawberry just went White like over night !My Great Aunt ,My Great Grandfather ,the Father of my oldest friends(Dad,Mom,& 3 kids ALL Redheads !) & Their Grandfather .It's funny how our hair just goes that fast ! While others like my Mother who has Black hair (from my Great Grandfather who was from Germany )is slowly going Gray!So I was wondering is it just me thinking this or is there something to it ?
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