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01/07/2009 15:47:46

Niamh wrote:
nope, not doing ne thing fun before i go back to school , unless you count karoke :) then i have a 15 minute presentation to give when i get back to school on my research so far in the lab :( not fun, but as long as my shoes r hot, i'll be happy lol

man you suck you should be goin something fun like me i was that bord i went back to work but a lest i am goin snorkelling at the reef and than white water rafting i wanted to do bungy but my mates wont let me they think i will do something crazy up there there's the trust gone. and all at cairns which is 3 hr drive. you need to live and have fun dont make me come over there and show you how its done lol 

01/06/2009 16:17:55

Niamh wrote:
yeah, startin to feel better now. my aunt is a nurse n shes over from belgium for a few weeks n keeps trying to drug me with vitamins n stuff lol

well at lest when your all drug up you wont feel as bad hehe
what a way to spend your hoildays have you got any plans before you go back to school??

01/06/2009 01:55:34
Thank you for the picture comments.   The backlit one is my favorite too.

That's too bad you were sick for New Year's.  I just was worn down more than anything I guess.  And then it turns out that they didn't have fireworks anyway.  They had the finale in the middle of downtown instead of the river, so it would have been ground fireworks instead of actual shells.  But they didn't even get the permits for those!  Duh!  I didn't even buy an admission button thank goodness.

You'll have to tell me what you pick out then

01/05/2009 19:26:25
sounds like you had a great time hope you are feeling better now

01/04/2009 17:20:38
hola ~!

01/04/2009 16:05:30
happy new year niamh hope you had a good xmas?

01/03/2009 06:09:57
A pink iPod is definitely neat!  Does it do video too?

Aww, well, to make you more jealous, I finally finished some self-portraits with the DSLR and I uploaded the 3 best just now.  I really like my homage to Nikola Tesla   It's not sharp, but just cool.  I got a book and have been studying up on it, though I'm putting desk lamps on stacks of chairs and boxes to do the lighting, and a dummy head to get the angles right.  Did you study portraiture any?

Aww, did you stay home for New Year's too?  Or are you just recovering from New Year's?

01/01/2009 18:27:04

Niamh wrote:
yep long time no see, did ya have a good new year celebration? :)

it was ok did nothing great and how was yours?

12/31/2008 22:48:52

Niamh wrote:
sorry, been really busy with college, but merry christmas to you too :)

12/30/2008 20:55:59
Really busy here too.  Though I have gotten out and with my year of experience in SLR I'm doing much better photographing the Christmas lights of the skyline.  After visiting Dublin and these other cities, I'm gaining a new appreciation for here.  They have improved some things, a food market with really fresh farmers stuff, and more nightlife - though nothing as great as Dublin.  Lots of bars, but not really any clubs, and what few are are kind of snobby I think.

Merry Christmas!  Did Nuala scare off the wrens of St. Stephan's again?  What'd you get?  Did you get a DSLR maybe?

What are you up to tomorrow?  I haven't really made plans, but I might try shooting the fireworks downtown again if nothing else, it started raining at 11:58 last year.

12/30/2008 11:50:57

its okay hun

how is yours? =]

12/29/2008 15:01:38
hey there how are you? other than been sick have not heard from you in a while

12/28/2008 14:13:28

haha yea i know more like living dead girl and the flu

are you feeling any better yet? 

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