

29 years old
vancouver, Washington
United States
Profile Views: 1413
[ 594 ]
Referrals: 0

SPF: 105!
EYE COLOR: hazel
OCCUPATION: full-time redhead
EDUCATION: some college
SMOKE: not a puff
DRINK: like a fish
DRUGS: I daren't
RELIGION: redhead
DATING STATUS: philanderer
BODY TYPE: average
HEIGHT: 5' 9"
MEMBER SINCE: 01/23/2008
LAST LOGIN: 03/13/2008 18:53:32
MY RATING: 10.00

03/09/2008 14:35:01
03/06/2008 20:39:44
03/05/2008 13:16:10

Pretty Profiles, Flashchat Anonymous, OMG JULES n LUVA are always on, Masturbation Appreciation, Firecrotch and Proud

~~~~~genetic mutations of the reddish kind ~~~~
live music, great cologne, good teeth, a good strong back, gorgeous eyes, a dark movie theatre when theres an awesome guy sitting next to me, good intentions, good surprises, randomness, spontaneity, laughing, campfires, great food, even better company, lots of foreplay, someone who is a little mean but feels bad about it later, accents, people who are employed, roughness, sweat (the good kind), sarcasm, and oddly enough redheads(this is a fairly new realization), tall white men, facial hair, tattoos, Boondock Saints, irish men, clean fingernails, hip hop music

~~PEOPLE THAT REPEATEDLY VISIT MY PAGE, YET DONT LEAVE A SINGLE COMMENT~~come on now, cant help it im a comment whore, feed the disease people!!!
~~mommas boys, sissys, virgins, drama,he said she said crap, bad teeth, having BO for no reason, arrogence, being corrected when i misspeak, ignorance, being ignored, drunks, people who dont know their limits, physical deformities, muscles, short men, whores, bad grammar, bad breath, pukeing because you drank WAY TOOOOOO MUCH, irony, fakes, being blown off, liars, old chicks that think they are hott and try to look and or act like they arnt old as hell

WELP,... my name is KarOL aka KarolKay aka KK..i am 29, divorced-for which i take full responsibilty-, raising 2 toeheads, while i work at my exciting career as an accountant for a durable medical equipment company, FUN!! I live in Vancouver...not canada but washington...not dc but state :) When im not enjoying my exciting work life, i like to listen to live music, have a few cocktails and pretty much just chill....i enjoy camping, getting dirty (occassionally), and anyhing that can be done outside........ i recently joined a softball team, YEAH ME!!!! never bean on a team before so this should prove to be interesting......
lets see, i've been told im tall (5'9 does not seem tall to me) but whatever, im awkward, i get embarrassed easily, i am straight forward and honest, and was recently told i was abrasive-so be it. I am VERRRRRYYYY sarcastic... what? dont look so surprised.
i hate when i cant "read" a person, and I generally try to dominate any situation i'm in, because i dont like to be put on the spot.
I dont like drama, and i dont wanna have to kick your ass but if you back me into a corner, is there any other option....really? i cuss like a fecking sailor, and make no excuses for it(im just a damn potty mouth)
unfortunately, if i dont like you you will prolly know it..... im not good at being fake...

I cant seem to find a date to save my life, its been like 4 years....COME ON!!!! i think i intimidate people (for whatever reason :). OH, and i have no soul.........
I am loyal to friends and i can keep a secret like nobodys business... i dont believe in being 2 faced or stabbing people in the back (if your gonna do it, atleast enjoy the look on their face when it happens). i believe that fair does not mean equal... and if i say something at any time that offends you, PLEASE tell me, its more than likely just a misunderstanding.
there is nothing extraordinary about me, im pretty average, and the red hair will prolly be the only thing you remember about me when im gone......

~~ ~~

wont find much there that aint here.....but theres no tracker, so it will be easier to stalk me just sayin

REDDontheHEDD_KarolKay has 49 friend(s)

Displaying 10 out of 373 comments
03/13/2008 19:06:54

REDDontheHEDD_KarolKay wrote:
sup then


03/13/2008 18:25:25
Nothin' much, yourself?

03/13/2008 17:58:54
Hey how's it goin

03/13/2008 17:27:21

REDDontheHEDD_KarolKay wrote:

YAY!!! PORN....... ummmmm i mean, i dont know what ur talkin about

You understand I only view it because I have a crush on my pri est?

So.... the more I see the more I have to attend confession! 

03/13/2008 17:25:03

REDDontheHEDD_KarolKay wrote:

ooo a picture!! yay... HEY, you dont look like luva. ur much cuter ;) lol.... nah hes very pretty in his pink hat n glasses tho (but dont tell him i said that, poophead has a big enuf ego!!!)


lol yea he does have a big ego. but i love him neways lol. and thanks =] most people tell me i look like him...

03/13/2008 17:18:38
Boo backatcha! I've only been up to the same-old-same-old. You know how it is, so much internet porn, so little time! 

03/13/2008 16:57:17
thanks =]

03/13/2008 14:58:04
ahh what a nice msg. you have made me all bulgy. i think ill fig it out i havnt even finish my page info yet. will get to it all and fill the site with staffs stuff soon. 

03/13/2008 12:47:08

hey not are you?
Easter holls for the next 2 weeks :D

03/13/2008 12:46:23
lol! its me thats what i look like most of the time;)