
mem_normal OFFLINE

Mood: Happy
Status: lunch time = foooood
17 years old
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
Profile Views: 1364
[ 351 ]
Referrals: 1

HAIR TINT: ginger
EYE COLOR: green
HEIGHT: 5' 4"
MEMBER SINCE: 07/29/2008
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 02/17/2009 15:32:32

Going Out
Eating Out
Getting all dressed up (:
Rugbyyy/Sport/Keeping Fit

Saving Private Ryan
The Dark Knight
Indianna Jones. Every single one of them.
5th Element
Pirates of the Carribean
Slumdog Millionaire
Madgascar 1&2

Anything action-ated, Anything scary.
..Anything with Adam Sandler as well.

< Insert loooooong list here >

buuuut Anything i can bust my moves to. (:

The DaVinci Code
Kevin and Sadie series
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly;sad.
Harry Potter!
Child called It.
..Mysteries are always good to.
but il give anything a go.

02/15/2009 14:39:21
07/31/2008 14:00:02

The Teenage Ginger Club, Drop Beats Not Bombs

Brown Eyes
Good Aftershave/Mens Perfume
Sense of humour
Mature, yet Immature?
Bed hair
That 'builder-like/man of trade' appearance.

Poor Hygiene
Shallow Men

Theee name is Tamara aka Wonder Woman.

.. i'm actually only 16.
However,I wish i was older
I'm a veryyyy unlucky person who tends to constantly loose very important things. =[
Hmmm..I've also come to the realisation that i'm a wee shortyy. But hey, the best things come in small packages?
and yanoo what? im pretty much just a wee bubble of fun! :D

I like my men how I like my peanut butter;

Life is pretty schweeeet atm. Good Job.

Probss the whole 'does the curtains match the drapes' question.

cracks me up every time!

Tamara has 48 friend(s)

Displaying 10 out of 220 comments
02/17/2009 02:11:11
Hey, I hear the pay isn't too bad.

02/15/2009 14:45:37
hi/ :]
i lv your background its soo pretty.

in your fav redhead moment, do you really find the whole matching curtains and drapes funny.?
i don't no if you've read the book or seen the movie 'the outsiders' but wehad to study it at school and we were watching the movie and a guy says that to a girl and i just wanted to dieeeee.
but its good you have a sense of humour about it.lol. :]
i can't, i just find it utterly morifying.!!

have a good day. :]

02/13/2009 14:15:22

Tamara wrote:

no no, course not! (:

Hahahaha, well thanks.

02/12/2009 20:53:25
Are you all trying to say that there is something wrong with my long hair?

02/12/2009 16:15:40

I was just passing by and thought I'd say hello!

Paul xx

02/10/2009 05:37:28

Hey there :)! How are things?! Thank you for the photo comment, she is a precious little thing isn't she :)!!!



02/07/2009 11:01:25
You drop by and say nothing smile

02/07/2009 10:54:55
Thanks :).  I didn't cry, but I could see it happening.

02/07/2009 07:49:29
what city in N.I. do you live in? my friends live in Lisburn. it was so painful that I could not journey to N.I. in Summer '08. the petrol prices were atrocious. I really hope I can get there THIS year! I will be a beast if I cannot.

02/07/2009 07:44:31
Thanks for the view