mem_normal OFFLINE

Mood: Horny
Status: Livin' the dream, yeah, that's it
44 years old
United States, Wyoming

[ 44 ]
Referrals: 0

SPF: 35
HAIR TINT: auburn
EYE COLOR: brown
OCCUPATION: milking the system
EDUCATION: associate's degree (2 yrs)
SMOKE: oh my yes
DRINK: socially
DRUGS: prefer not to say
RELIGION: wiccan
DATING STATUS: open to suggestions
BODY TYPE: average
HEIGHT: 5' 8"
GENDER: male
MEMBER SINCE: 12/13/2007
LAST LOGIN: 12/20/2007 19:05:25
Definite preference for classic rock, but I also enjoy Celtic music in both traditional and celtic rock forms. The Who, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Jethro Tull, Little Feat, April Wine, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead,... Seven Nations, The Chieftains, Tempest, Clandestine... And, the greatest rock-n-roll band of all time - THE KINKS!

Robert Jordan's (unfinished) Wheel of Time series. Almost any fantasy novel, though I read 'em so fast that a series keeps my attention a little longer. Lots of science fiction, some great, some lousy. Lately I've been leaning towards Western U.S. history, though I have enjoyed many works of historcal fiction. CJ Box, Douglas Adams, JRR Tolkien, Tom Clancy, Hunter S Thompson, George Carlin, Arthur C Clarke,and - the woman who aroused my curiosity about alternative spiritualities - Katherine Kurtz.

I'm not into touchy-feely dramas. I prefer sci-fi, action, fantasy, historical, just about would rather have my teeth pulled without anaesthesia than to pay good money to watch a chick-flick! Lord of the Rings, Clockwork Orange, Waterworld, Koyaaniskatzy (sp?, I'm fuzzy there), Wicker Man (1973),

There are no blogs submitted!

I believe a person should EARN the things they want - being given anything doesn't make one appreciate its value. That said, I get my work done and out of the way of my real life. I believe in minimal gov't interference in my life. I believe the gov't is doing a tremendous dis-service to this nation by enabling all the special needs groups to dictate domestic policies - laws don't make a great nation, they weaken the peoples' ability to think and make decisions for themselves. I was raised Catholic, but through diligent effort I've learned to overcome that. I'm a carnivore. I won't apologize for it. If I can harvest an animal for my freezer, I will. Don't agree? That's your right. I believe that the way people treat domesticated animals (cats,dogs,etc.) is the way they'll treat their fellow bipeds if given the chance. Our pets are dependent on us to make good decisions on their behalf, spay or neuter them for their own well-being. Support your SPCA. Prosecute convicted animal abusers to the fullest extent of the law. I believe in the protection of existing wildlands, and the creation of more protected areas. Once these areas get developed, they're gone forever. I believe that our criminal justice system would work better if penalties and sentences were carved in stone and non-negotiable. No extenuating circumstances. No time off for good behavior. Period. I believe in the strict separation of church and state, religion has no place in gov't. Values do. Ethics do. But values and ethics are not necessarily found in religious people. I believe in GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. If that's confusing, please read the U.S. Cunstitution. I believe that the behavior of consenting adults is their own business, in the privacy of their own homes. However, I have no interest in watching people suck-face or dry-hump on the bus. I smoke. I wish I hadn't had my first puff at age 8, but I did. I know it's killing me and I don't need anyone to grind that lesson home. I am considerate of non-smokers, it's the anti-smokers that better watch out. My guns have never hurt anyone. But I will defend my right to own, carry and use them until my last breath. I am opinionated. I tend to piss people off. I am contrary, mainly in an attempt to try to get people to think. There's way too much talking and legislating going on these days, and way too little thinking to back it up. I believe strongly in education. I believe in phasing out all entitlement programs. They aren't doing anybody any favors. If an individual needs temporary help, fine. But there should be a fixed endpoint to the handouts. This crap of generation after generation of people sucking the system dry has got to stop and the suck-ers need to take responsibility for their own lives. I believe in closing our national borders tightly against illegal immigration. This bs about destabilizing our southern neighbors is crap - they need to fix their own problems. No instant citizenship to children of illegal immigrants born in this country, only instant deportation of the guilty. They have broken our laws. On that subject: Why do we tolerate mandatory bilingual programs in our schools and workplaces? If Americans go anywhere else on this planet we are expected to speak the local language, adhere to the local laws and follow the local customs. Assimilation is what made this nation great, not catering to every minority interest. I am Pagan and I'm proud of that. Freedom of religion includes all religions. If it harms no one, do as you will. And I believe that ORAL SEX is the most selflessly pleasing way of showing one's devotion to another person. It tastes good, and it's good for YOU.

Red-haired women! Shocker, huh? Intelligent discourse about almost any subject. Willingness to consider alternative points of view. A sense of humor that can be subtle or harsh, and with the ability to laugh at oneself. Righteous pride in self and sense of self-esteem. Spirit, spunk, feistiness, whatever you call it (a part of being a Redhead I'm sure). Now, a red-haired witch...oooohhhh! A warm fire on a cold night. Watching a thunderstorm from inside my house, lights off. A good beer, i.e. nothing from BudMillCurse. Camping in the mountains, RVing with 200k other people at a NASCAR race, pagan festivals, Irish and Scottish festivals (so many redheads!, oh and the music).

Garbled English, self-centeredness, mooches, users, losers, drunks, bible-thumpers, ignorance (that one is curable, though)

Pets, homebrewing, hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, NASCAR, reading, photography. The usual guy stuff.

feoxorus has 8 friend(s)


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From: dev_ilish
12/20/2007 15:16:38

i know its sad..

freaking californians...

getting the place messy.... 

From: Dnarose
12/20/2007 15:12:52
Just visiting your profile because you visited mine.  Have a great night!

From: dev_ilish
12/20/2007 14:15:30

Dallas is a bit crowded.

I'm in the greater Austin area....

I like it here 

From: n2enigmas
12/20/2007 13:36:25

Hi there!  How are you?  I was looking over your music preferences and we have very similar tastes.  Sadly, I hear the music I love only on the "classic" music stations these days- does that mean I am getting old??   

Thanks for adding me- I hope you have a fantastic day! 

From: Kerry
12/19/2007 19:46:39

From: dev_ilish
12/19/2007 17:00:00

saw that you gave me a visit!


From: feoxorus
12/19/2007 11:26:11
I just looked over at all the BEAUTIFUL women in my recent visitors are. Woohoo! Of course, now that I've expressed my true self up top, you'll probably ban me

From: n2enigmas
12/19/2007 09:24:23
Aaawww!  Aren't you sweet? 

From: itsjules
12/19/2007 04:09:36

That visine trick sounds downright diabolical, thanks for sharing!

OMG you're in Lander? I grew up in Casper, and still have family there, in Laramie, Riverton, and Cody, I think.

How's the wind up there? I freaking MISS the Wyoming wind, I truly do (semi-psycho, eh?)

From: n2enigmas
12/18/2007 13:51:06
Hi there!  I saw you stopped in at my page, so I thought I would take a look see at yours.  Have a great day! 

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