The best thing to hold on to in life is each other

mem_normal OFFLINE

Mood: Loved
Status: Just being me
23 years old
United States, Georgia

[ 1123 ]
Referrals: 0

SPF: 35
EYE COLOR: green
EDUCATION: high school graduate
SMOKE: not a puff
DRINK: sometimes
DRUGS: I daren't
RELIGION: redhead
DATING STATUS: single & happpy
HEIGHT: < 5' 0"
GENDER: female
MEMBER SINCE: 09/23/2007
LAST LOGIN: 12/16/2007 19:35:01
Gloria Estefan, Clay Aiken, and Michael Buble

The Princess Diaries, Just my luck, Music of the heart, Selena, Dangerous Minds, Masterminds, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Halloween Town, Walk The Line

12/15/2007 21:58:58
12/15/2007 00:43:20

I love red hair! I have been a red head for the last three years and have enjoyed every minute of it. The first time I went red was for halloween ten years ago. I was agent scully from the x-files. Ever since then I've been hooked on the red hair. I finally got my hair professionally done red three years ago by Charley a brilliant hair stylist. He is just so smart and told me if he could he give a new hairstyle everyday for the next ten years! He also does great makeup. He is just a genious of a man and I love him. I also love to workout. It makes me feel so good to know I'm making my body more and more healthy. I love chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cake but hey I burn them off at the gym lol. I love fashion and getting dressed up and taking photos of myself. I can be really shy before I get to know someone but when I get to know them I can be complete fun. I'm also a goofball in life. It's so boring to be so serious all the time. I'm a bit of a dork but I'm proud of my dork roots and speaking of dorks I love red haired ones. Just so dreamy lol. Thats pretty much me
I'm obsessed with red hair. In this little section I'm going to be post a picture of a hot red head so they will all be guys
  • Max Colllins
  • Born James Maxwell Collins 28 August 1978 Miami, Florida. Voice and soul behind EvE6, US band sweeping all before them. The hit single “Inside Out” was on the US charts for 40 weeks. More to come.

  • Respect
  • Milky white skin
  • red hair
  • men in business suits
  • kindness
  • Glasses
  • Freckles
  • Nerds

  • Men who don't think before they speak
  • Disrespect(This is biggest turn off ever!)
  • Being way to political
  • Being Negative to often
  • Men who bring up sex in everything they talk about
  • People who try to belittle me
  • Rudeness

  • Singing, Music, Flirting, being boy crazy, working on my redhedd profile

    Kerry has 69 friend(s)


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    From: s2budd
    12/16/2007 19:58:14
    Im 24 single and you're beautiful. Hang in there girl, it happens when you're not looking.

    From: Raphael
    12/16/2007 16:33:08
    I caught a stomach bug.  Have felt like crap since yesterday. 

    From: jerry
    12/16/2007 15:23:52
    hey how have you been  we havent talked in a while just wondering how you are

    12/16/2007 09:41:14
    Allo :D

    From: ryeguy
    12/16/2007 08:17:41

    From: ryeguy
    12/15/2007 20:07:56
    Kerry do u like red or white wine???

    From: ryeguy
    12/15/2007 19:37:34
    Hey Kerry u cant go to sleep there is a party goin on go to the main page under bulletins and tell them your with me its a party I tell ya

    From: Dnarose
    12/15/2007 19:29:28
    I noticed your update said sad.  I hope by the time you read this you are feeling better.  We are getting another snow storm on Sunday.  Hopefully, power will stay on.

    From: ryeguy
    12/15/2007 19:27:34
    Hey u comin to the party tonight???

    12/15/2007 18:52:51
    why are you sad today?youlook super in your recent pics!

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