well, this is my first blog post here and i'm not sure how it's going to go but i found this network through facebook and hopefully i'll meet some other ginger friends!
i'm a natural ginger, of course the best way to be, and from london. i didn't really think too much about my hair colour although I did get teased a little!! but now i want to try to celebrate my ace gingerness more hahaha
i'm going to take my sister whose also ginger to the new london exhibition about ginger people cuz it looks so beautiful. the artist did an interview talking about how she came up with the idea and waht she hopes to accomplish. the exhibition is called root ginger and its in london.
i also joined some facebook groups that are proginger because were all so awesome!!! hopefully this is a good blog that i can keep posting in and meet some new friends.
Tags: Art Redhead Ginger London