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Tag: bored
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 27 Blogs.
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105 Questions 1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT RING? The words not the ring 2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? Not long enuf 3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? Gift Certificate from work 4. EVER DROPPED A MOBILE PHONE? Yes - this morning in fact 5. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? Tues been lazy 6. THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON? My Nephews 7. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? An Everything Bagel and Coffee 8. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE S... Read More
Ok so its Sunday its 21.47 my Uk time and im so bored, ive gone passed boredom im now actually thinking hmmm shall i clean the inside of my computer ( which has huge fans so its kinda dusty) but nah dude im not gunna bother... Im gunna write about random stuff instead.. Feel free to read, comment debate whatever u want.. might give me something to do.. Why am i bored? Oh i dunno cus im single and apparently being single (for some 6months now) is not acceptable, a lot of my amigos have all g... Read More
What is lonlyness about. Today I started thinking about why I do feel lonely sometimes. Well aside from the fact that I am lonely in my apartment room that is quite a fact. What is the reason that sometimes this fact does not interest me in the slightest and on other occasions it does jump me like on the situation. So what is the difference between the two situations? I think the point is boredom. The situation on first is that you are occupied with different stuff. You have something to do and... Read More
If you were in the hospital would your recent ex come see you? haha, don't even get me starteddd. Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? It depends on who it is. Last thing you ate? Turkey bagel sandwich :) What does your number two call you? This isn't MySpace :) When was the last time you really laughed? I always laugh, seriously. When was the last time you saw your number two? -------- What’s something you really... Read More
For those who are interested, I had a Messenger chat with Ei (Redei) earlier, she and her sister and brother in law have arrived in Las Vegas, and were waiting for the rental they had organised. Just in time for a late lunch, and to wait for the fourth member of the party to arrive. So I'm now in my 4th week of antibiotics, and I get the impression that if it doesn't show signs of improvement soon then I may be admitted to hospital for stronger intravenous antibiotics to... Read More
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