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ABC of Phil (stolen from Brandi)
Posted On 05/28/2008 18:45:52 by Philly
A is for age: 46

B is for beer of choice: Dont normally drink it but when I do it's real ale

C is for career right now: Office administration.

D is for your dog's name: Presently dog less, but my last dog was Eva - a border collie

E is for essential item you use everyday: Mobile phone

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Doctor Who - yeah right I'm a scifi geek

G is for favorite game: Not really into games

H is for Home town: Bristol

I is for instruments you play: I did once try to lean the violin, but I couldn't get along with my tutor

J is for favorite juice: Orange and pinapple

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: No ones I'm cool

L is for last place you ate: Home - cod and chips (yes I made them )

M is for marriage: Not yet

N is for your full name: Phillip James

O is for overnight hospital stays: To numerous to mention

P is for people you were with today: no-one I was home alone all day.

Q is for quest you'd like to accomplish: get a job

R is for Biggest Regret: Not finishing college

S is for status: Happy

T is for tattoos: 0

U is for underwear you have on now: I'm in night things at the moment so no underwear.

V is for vegetable you love: All of them

W is for worst habit: caffeine

X is for x-rays you've had: loads, we don't pay for them over here. 

Y is for yummy food you ate today: got to be the fish and chips oven baked to a turn - nice.

Z is for the zodiac sign: Libra

Tags: Blogs Bored Quiz


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

05/28/2008 18:51:55

J is for favorite juice: Orange and pinapple - yummy!! 

 Y is for yummy food you ate today: got to be the fish and chips oven baked to a turn - nice. YUMMY!!

05/28/2008 18:51:41
Great answers!

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