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Tag: america
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
World's Largest Redhead Gathering in North America Sunday, August 8, 2010 Dublin Irish Festival, Dublin, Ohio, U.S.A. After some months of talks, Redhead World has officially signed on as a proud sponsor of the Dublin Irish Festival - the 2nd biggest Irish festival in the world. The festival had 100,000 admissions last year and is expected to grow again this year, with thousands of redheads in attendance. So, with everyone pining for a redhead gathering in North Amer... Read More
OK, So no catchy title on this blog to grab viewers but it's a statement of fact. Through the amazing portal that is Redhedd.com I have had the pleasure to get to know many Americans and bit by bit, you are opening my eyes to life the other side of the pond. In many cases it's breaking down stereotypes, but, in this case, it's not just reinforcing, but creating whole new, bigger and crazier ones. I was doing some prdding around on the net prompted by a comm... Read More
Well, in the next ten minutes the clock will turn midnight, and Thursday the 3 July becomes Friday 4 July. To us it's no big deal, reason being that we British do not like being reminded that more than 200 years ago we got stupid and lost a valuable slice of real estate to the people who settled it. And a brand new country was born. Since that day america has shown itself to be a great world power. In 1805 your first act as a sovereign power was to end the Barbary wars, and if it wasn't for... Read More
I have just been watching a very interesting documentary on the first settlement of Jamestown 400 years ago. It was done through archeology and reenactment. A very interesting show. For any of our friends in america the show should be available on www.channel4.com/4od and the title is: Jamestown - America's Birthplace.... Read More