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Tag: cumfy
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Blogs.
Sitting on my door stepMy legs dangle into timeListening to the sound of loveFrom the instrumentMy mind Hold on to the thoughtThat slipped awayA new ideaAn inspiration of creationThe building blocks of play Close your eyesAnd open your mindFree your heart from loves unkinds Let it goAnd find your flowRelease The nicheA pain reliefFrom your headTo your feet The ground may shakeThe ground may moveUse it to wake youAnd find your groove Like the needle on t... Read More
I've recently added a play list to my profile, other than the built in redplayer which has my own stuff on it..It's green and purple, which suits the colours on my page.The playlist is pretty weird.. it's got alsorts of stuff in it.. some of which some of ya's have never heard before..I find it difficult to go over my lifetime to find appropriate songs to fit the occasions, so I've manage to pull a list together that reflects a lot of that and also some of the music that I am into.A lot of the s... Read More
Hello,Last night I made a Spookily themed Halloween mix tape.. it's got allsorts of tunes on it, mainly rocky stuff. There's a bit of ska and some timewarpping to be done in it..... I think it will be up some of your streetsTo listen.. Click on the link..To download, right click on the link and save target as,... Halloweenmixtape.mp3 Hope some of ya's check it out and enjoy.. It is worth it.. That's a non baias cumfy opinion With loveChris x :) x ... Read More
My soup of the day is an old favorite of mine, and I enjoy it everytime i drink it..Yes this is Soup of the day and not SongThought I'd be different Carrot and Corriander Mega Yum Peace n Bread Sticks ... Read More
Well, It's seems there are a lot of people here with a lot of questions, thoughts and comments, of the meaning, values and morals of life. Now, this has been a subject that some of the greatest schoolars we know have never really been able to figure it all out. The theory of relativity, really speaks for it's self. The very words themselves suggest an unknown element that can't be accounted for. Now it is the unknown element that really has people poised, because it is infinitel... Read More