With a show such as this a man can hold his breath only so long. We get it.....America gets it...they're stupid and they do stupid things that most people wouldn't do ha ha point made oh look the guy with the wacky hair that says inappropriate things just pooped in a garbage can ....pause..America laughs....close curtain. The worst part about this show is that it's become so successful it's being mimicked. I was watching prime time cable for the first time in forever and there was an Office wannabe called Parks and recreation. Same premise, everyone is retarded but one person and everyone talks into an imaginary camera like they are being interviewed. Really these shows are set up like reality TV with a more polished script.I'm really becoming worried about this new business of television. First it was game shows then sitcoms then reality TV now Office rip offs! What ever happened to the good old fashioned practice of "show some boobs and the show will be a hit", what ever happened to Rhonda sheer's USA up all night? Maybe some readers aren't old enough to remember the show, but it's what we folks in our early 30's jacked off to before internet porn was invented. It consisted of b movies all about horny teenagers on the quest for boobs and in between each commercial break would be Rhonda's boobs, and then more boobs, and then.....boobs. To this day she has a magnetic pull on all of us, in fact when I googled her name I typed Rhonda and she was the number one search suggestion.
For the life of me I don't get it! When did people get tricked into thinking Rainn Wilson was funny? Now I know what you're thinking, why in hell would I give the boobs of Rhonda Shear and then crush your boner with this douche bag? Well it had to be done. The world needs to know that it's OK to hate this show. Your friends will still talk to you if you turn down an all night season one marathon on Blue Ray. Your family won't disown you if they know that you hated Steve Carell in both 40 Year Old Virgin AND Evan almighty yet you would rather watch both back to back with your eye lids held open by tooth picks rather than sit through five minutes of this complete piece of shiznit. Honestly I think most people can't stand to turn it on but they are afraid. My brothers and sisters release your cold chains of bondage and speak free unto the world, shout at the top of your lungs "MY NAME IS (insert name here) AND I HATE THE OFFICE!". So begeth The Reverend Hippy Tim
Yeah, I keep trying to like The Office- I used to like it a lot- but now it's just cringe-worthy. Michael Scott used to be a funny, kind of embarrassing jerk, now he's just an ah-noos that no one can stand. I watched the latest episode (Nov 19th) and it was sooo depressing and dumb. No more!
maybe your just spoiled as americans, do you have to pay for your television? we do! you have a great tv show, dont feck it up for the rest of the world!
the office was good early on.... then after the third season it started sucking. people don't know when to let a good thing die.... so it doesn't become such a cliche that nobody likes it.
the original season was practically a clone of the original british version, the only difference was that with more seasons they were able to expand on the characters, as good as the original british version is you only really focus on 3 characters, David, Tim and Dawn.
but the american version, with longer seasons etc you get to know more of the characters, providing a richer program. like imagine how crapt friends would have been if it had been like joey monica and pheobe lol
Well, if it'd been left in it's original British format with Ricky Gervais it would be a different matter....why "fix" something when it wasn't broken in the first place???