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Are you kidding me!?!?
Posted On 11/23/2009 13:44:12 by LayinLow
November 21, 2009 |  2:22 pm

Los Angeles County sheriff’s detectives are investigating an assault on a 12-year-old middle school boy in Calabasas who may have been targeted after a Facebook group urged students to beat up redheads, a sheriff’s official said today.

The boy was kicked and hit in two separate incidents on the campus of A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas by as many as 14 of his classmates, Lt. Richard Erickson said. The students who participated in the attack may have been motivated by a Facebook message telling them that Nov. 20 was “Kick a Ginger Day,” Erickson said, but had few other details about the message.

The incident occurred about 8:30 a.m. Friday. The boy sought help from the school nurse, who contacted the principal. Sheriff’s officials arrived on campus shortly afterward.  “He was accosted by seventh- and then eighth-graders,” Erickson said. “He was kicked and hit with fists in various areas of the body.”

No arrests have been made yet. Detectives are investigating the incident as a possible assault with a deadly weapon. Erickson said he didn’t believe that the boy’s injuries were serious enough to require hospitalization. The victim's name was not released because he is a juvenile.


Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Comments

11/26/2009 21:30:02
I never kid... LMAO!!  Okay this is ridiclous but then thats pretty obvious... seems to me that on the East Coast anyway (inappropriate slam to the West Coast) we make damn sure if you are in need of a beating it's at least gang related and not to do with the color of someones hair... In all seriousness.. are we as reds gonna fall prey to the "minority thinking"?   For me and I can only speak for myself... I revel in our uniqueness although I feel for this kiddo who was injured.. I refuse to give in to the mentality that separates, divides and chooses some hierachy of sorts.

Ok ramble done...

I now return you to your regularly schedules blogs.. LOL

11/24/2009 08:20:57

Yeah this is what i would do to the non BELIEVERS! *cough* gingers...


Before i get hate mail! THIS IS ANCHORMAN! B... Its not real and i got a dog! Just clearing that up!

11/23/2009 17:09:10

11/23/2009 17:03:07
no doubt L3X....u imagine the fear in them young punks eyes!!!!  "punt every kid that isnt a ginger day" LOL!!  

11/23/2009 16:57:31
its all fun and games till someone gets hurt, poor lil fella.  i wish i would have been walking by or standing at a bus stop and witnessed this happen... the day would have turned into "punt every kid that isnt a ginger day" for me. 

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