Posted On 02/14/2009 13:46:38 by steve
Layla sat in her dimly lit room gently rocking back and forth in a rocking chair that had somehow survived the Armageddon some 300 years ago and made its way from the “Outlands” into her little cottage near the lower city walls just below and outside the “City of Fire”. She sat rubbing her now very pregnant belly and hummed an old Irish tune to her unborn child. She often wondered what this baby would be like. She wasn’t so worried with whether she would have a boy or a girl child or what color eyes it would have or even if it would be a loud child or a sedate one. She wondered whether or not this child would be born a “Fiercer” (fierce Sire) or a “Fierdamme” [fierce Madame] (a term used to describe anyone in The Ruling Red Race). That would certainly change things for her and this child forever. She had prayed a thousand prayers that this child would be a “Fiercer”, a redheaded male child with unique gifts who would be part of “The chosen”, the guardians and protectors of the whole tribe. Her life would be so much better if this child were born into the elite class. She would be given a good job and better housing closer to Fire City. She would be cared for and looked after; even the low-born would respect her new title as “Portal”. No more struggling and scrapping to survive, no more worrying, she could even be a consort for any Fiercer who thought her pretty enough to be seen with, she would have a life well worth living. She would not be disappointed if she were to have a fierdamme either for the females of the Red Race were just as important if not more important than the males. Fierdammes were cherished above all things in this burgeoning new society and while not as powerful a foe on the battle field as their male counterparts they were quite fierce in battle none the less and had mastered other “special skills” the likes of which the males could never fathom. Either way she would win because the Red Race were “Chosen of GOD” if you believed the ancient stories of man, and they would keep the tribe safe from all evil until the appointed time of God’s return for his Clan. Layla wasn’t sure she believed any of those old wives tales but secretly she hoped that they might be true. The longer Layla rocked back and forth and hummed the more she let her mind explore all the different possibilities of giving birth to a Noble child but the thoughts became so many that it was sometimes hard to make sense of it all. As much as she hoped her dreams would come true it also broke her heart to know that if they did come true then by the time her child was two years old the Elders of the Tribe would come and claim the child by birthright and she would likely not see her child for many years. You see at the age of two years every Fiercer is taken from their birth mother and the Elders record all manner of data about the mother like, her back ground, eye color, talents and abilities, proclivities and even the astrological signs of both mother and child. Then all this data is calculated to determine the child’s abilities and place in the Tribal society and then a special Fierdamme is chosen by the Tribal High Council to be a surrogate mother to the child and she will raise him up to be the best he can be in his roles as brother, friend, husband, Judge, Defender and most of all Warrior. Her greatest fear was that she would be just another low born giving birth to another low born and that her life would not amount to much worth mentioning or remembering. “Only time will tell now” she said in a whisper to her belly as she got up from the rocking chair and headed off to try and sleep again until morning this time she hoped.
Tags: Redheads
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