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Tag: abuse

Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.

This Ache in my chest
Posted On 05/03/2008 10:43:04 by EuniceCrankyponts
What is love without trust? What is love without friendship? What is love without intimacy? Empathy? Charity amongst other things? When cancerous rage fills your soul Why do you blame me Whatever happened to introspection? Keeping constant inventory So as not to harm others? Where is your Joie de vivre Intense energy emanating from within Instead Lethargy causing Inactivity Why is it that I ache Why is it that I feel suffocated By your action Your soulless conversation Your self... Read More

Disavowing the Charmer
Posted On 04/29/2008 21:46:07 by EuniceCrankyponts
Disavowing the Charmer
A Poem by Eunice Crankyponts
Random words from deep within my soul At times, this transition seems like forever
There is a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere.
Still harboring resentment
I write these words
Reminders to disavow the charmer
Some don't understand.
I ask
If someone tossed a boulder at you,
Would you cower in fear?
If a man, rips your heart out
Day after d... Read More

Posted On 04/03/2008 01:53:32 by SakoTGrimes
In my daily line of work I run into 3 kinds of people, bland people who don't say much and I barely notice, nice people who are cool, and complete idiots/assholes who make me question how someone so bitter or stupid has survived so long and kinda make me wish WWII turned out a little differently (I hear 'Dolf had a rather low tolerance for incompetance.)Yesterday I was reminded once again that there are good people in the world and they keep it going, and there are people who live only to blow c... Read More

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