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Redhedd Spam: How Can We Fight It?
Posted On 02/22/2012 12:21:47 by steve
Eunice CrankyPonts posted a blog about how much of a pain in her ass the spam messages she gets are, and it pained me to read about how one of our pillar members is so turned off that it keeps her from enjoying the site.(please note - this is not a general site complaint opportunity. If you've got complaints about other sucky aspects of the site, please PM me, or post it in the forums. - thanks!)
I know that spam bugs the living shiznit out of many of you, as it does me, and I want to apolog... Read More

Posted On 03/07/2012 16:36:26 by Lici_Scott
In intermediate high school (10th grade), I used to bring books to school to read in my down time. This particular time, I brought my comprehensive LOTR book and set it down at my lunch table in order to get food without the hindrance of a HUGE book. When I came back someone had smashed french fries in the middle of its pages. I cried so hard that my dad bought me a new one.... Read More

Oil jumps to 9-month
Posted On 02/20/2012 18:57:09 by choice
Oil prices jumped to a nine-month high above $105 a barrel on Monday after Iran said it halted crude exports to Britain and France in an escalation of a dispute over the Middle Eastern country's nuclear program.                    
By Monday afternoon, benchmark March crude was up $2.02 to $105.26 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the highest since May. The contract ros... Read More

Spam Comments
Posted On 02/20/2012 11:54:55 by EuniceCrankyponts
I am so sick and tired of receiving spam comments in my inbox. Seriously, what has my beloved redhedd become? I have not blogged in a while and sorry that this is more of a rant but seriously, I am going to start reporting people. I also perused the blogs and see that there are spam blogs.  I read one that made no sense but happened to put a strategically placed link to entice the reader to click on that link. I say - don't click on the link!!!  Anyway, I am just living my life an... Read More

Sitting on the door step (written at a friends on monday morning)
Posted On 02/14/2012 17:02:40 by CumfyC
   Sitting on my door stepMy legs dangle into timeListening to the sound of loveFrom the instrumentMy mind Hold on to the thoughtThat slipped awayA new ideaAn inspiration of creationThe building blocks of play Close your eyesAnd open your mindFree your heart from loves unkinds Let it goAnd find your flowRelease The nicheA pain reliefFrom your headTo your feet The ground may shakeThe ground may moveUse it to wake youAnd find your groove Like the needle on t... Read More

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