OK, my turn to have a blog just about me....just cause I feel like it, and just cause I can...call me what you will.....
Today I had a "first " in my life and it's not one I really wanted. But today I got fired from my job! I'm going to sign on the dole for the first time in my life.....! My best friend got fired on Friday (13th.....then went on to lose her driving licence and get a fine of 1000 euro on the same day). I had all weekend knowing that I more or less had "the chop" coming for me today (that really makes for a fun weekend!) as I was involved in the same sad story she was sacked for.....but I kind of thought, "no, not me, they can't, they wont".......but yes.....me, they can and they did....but we all know what the cut-throat world of timeshare is like.!!!!!!
So, without putting all my eggs in one basket, I better hope and pray that my application for teaching college gets accepted!
Tomorrow is another day...!