Sorry to everyone who has been trying to contact me. A LOT has changed since the last time I was on. For starters, I got married :3 yea I know seems a little soon but I am so happy with him and we just knew it was right. I also moved to Tampa Florida @_@ and its taking a while to adjust to my new surroundings. I was also diagnosed with Diabetes, which goes to show you; you can eat as healthy as hell but bad things can still happen. Its actually Hypoglycemic Diabetes, and its under control with medication. I have also been diagnosed with endometriosis (don't feel comfortable explaining what that is lol) and may have to have surgery ugh. I've just been super busy with everything lately that I just haven't found the time to sign in. I will try my best to keep in touch.
By the way how was everyone's Christmas?? Mine was amazing ^____^ hope everyone ha/had a great Christmas!!
Love, Sarah