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Posted On 02/01/2010 14:38:34 by Kristin_Guillory
Hey there.,..let me tell you what just happend to me...

I had an interview for a job (at a law firm) @ 1:30pm...I arrived early (10mins) and sat around for about 30 mins, while I was sitting, I could over hear the secretaries complaining that he is always hiring new girls..blah blah...(they didnt hear me come in..haha so I coughed and she came to the front)

well he was late showing up..when he finally showed up, he pulled me to the back office for the interview....while we sat down, he kept looking at my boobs (I was wearing a turtleneck and no necklace...so no reason for him to look there..haha)

ohhh and he was in his late fifties...

well apparently they stapled my resume to someone elses, so there was confusion for awhile...but then we sorted everything out...and started talking about why I want that job..ect...for some reason he decided to mention that he was divorced..and by the end of interview, I got up and told him it was nice to meet him...he told me "you look REALLY good by the way....it was nice meeting you too"......

I couldnt leave fast enough....


Viewing 1 - 9 out of 9 Comments

02/05/2010 17:13:08
What the *#()*&#)&*$(@*)!!!!!!!!!! I think you should get all sexied up and go back just to smack him, then wiggle away :)!

02/02/2010 23:22:34

You know, for a hot redhead, you should be expecting people to act skeezy by now...


There are only two lawyer jokes. The rest are all true. Here's an example of the latter:

Q: What do you call a lawyer with two brain cells?

A: "Your Honor."

02/02/2010 19:15:10


02/02/2010 17:16:42
Sounds like a great first date

02/02/2010 11:26:42
depending on what state you are in, you can file sexual harassment. 

02/01/2010 21:15:52
Creepy McCreep-Creep much?

02/01/2010 17:54:52

 Creepy dude! I had a dentist like that. lol.

02/01/2010 17:11:41

i bet it's quite the opposite of awesome to have your boobs stared at.


02/01/2010 17:00:11
Haha, what a creepy guy. So, when do you start?

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