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My first attempt at a blog
Posted On 03/01/2010 15:38:45 by ToraTora
I have been a member of this site since 2007, only now am I starting to actually fill out information and all the other stuff on my account, this may give you an overall impression of my involvement of things like this .... So if anyone does read this please be gentle with me as I pop my blog cherry.... I’m going to ease myself in this time with things on my mind....

 ·         Someone was murdered on my road a while ago, live in a normally OK city; I wasn’t creeped out at all, is that normal?

·         My morals (personal morals, in no way religious) are being tested by someone who’s in a relationship, apparently cheating on people is common place, I was shocked yet here I am almost an active party to it, naive?
·         Is writing a blog a bit wanky...I feel it may be. 

Like many losses of virginity this is over quickly and wasn’t very enjoyable I’m sure.



Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

03/04/2010 00:54:56

·         Someone was murdered on my road a while ago, live in a normally OK city; I wasn’t creeped out at all, is that normal?

that depends. did you do it?

03/03/2010 15:38:11
Hey guys, thanks for your comments, 

I did try to mix it up with the murder/lust/wanky combinations, I’m hoping this will soon become the holy trinity of my blogs..

Yeah, so I always thought once you were seeing someone properly or long term it was a major deal to cheat on them, apparently not, to the point someone mentions to me on a first date they have been seeing someone for 6 months, nice.  Now this seedy underbelly has been exposed to me I hate to say I’m a little shocked, it’s like when you first discover drugs, either doing them or that they exist, and suddenly you realise how they are everywhere!

The murder was this guy stabbed in his house, the papers say its money/drug/women related so not a crazy random or anything.

So thanks for the comments and encouraging me to continue my blog writing experience, I’m sure they will remain cringey but I’m sure I will get over it or used to it with worrying haste.

And Drowned Phoenician if you say “A bit bloody wanky” it would be like you were a real Cockney Sparrow (Pronounced Cock-Knee Spar-ra AKA Londoner)  

03/03/2010 15:17:45

"a bit wanky"....  my new phrase of the week. thanks, ha. :-) (spoken in my very best british accent)

i agree with rapturas on several points below.

so many people now don't care if their significant other sees other people.  however, if they do care....  that's a tough situation to be involved in.  on one hand, if he isn't engaged or married.... he has every right to be with who he wants....  but on the other hand, if it is being done behind the other girl's back... that could lead to a bad situation for you to be involved in.  just make sure she never knows your name, ha.

i am quite positive that my some of my blogs are cringe-worthy to some people around here.... (sort of an inside joke for anyone who may read this) ...  i don't really intend for them to be that way, but it's often the way it turns out.  at the end of the day, i make my points, and life goes on....  no matter if people cringe or not.

so write away, madam...  you never know who may be appreciative of the points you have to make... some may not even tell you so.


03/02/2010 02:21:21
as far as blogs go, this has murder, mystery and wank lol anyway sucks that someone got murdered on yor street, do you know the circumstances? as for cheating, i think its the norm for those in casual relationships, any girl ive been with freaks out even if a girl asks me for directions in the street many of my male friends have cheated in their "long term" relationships but that doesnt make it right. Obviously if youre cheating then you shouldnt be with your partner, unless they agree its ok which i doubt would be the case? some blogs are cringe worthy, but im sure some people say that about my blogs lol

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