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I would jump the clouds to get to you.
Posted On 06/18/2008 02:53:54 by Cutesyredhead

This is really random and i feel like writing at 3:45 am.

It's really hard to be alone. I have not had a serious boyfriend in about a year. i've had others, but they were a waste of time and ended faster than they started. i feel so alone. i really do. I try to ignore the feeling of wanting someone to hold me and tell me how much they care about me. there are so many boys that tell me i'm pretty, then that's all. I WANT MORE. I just want to be happy.....and honestly i'm not. i keep telling myself i am. but i just feel absolutely miserable anymore when it comes to this subject. it's been a damn year since i've had any interaction with a boy and i feel so upset about it.  i know this is absolutely ridiculous bitching about it. but it's been quite cooped up, and i feel like a desperate loser saying it out loud and i want to cry. 

Most of you are going to tell me that my time will come. I have to be patient and blah blah blah. but i'm a all around nice person. i think i'm quite good looking. i take care of myself. but it seems like every guy that i've met wants to change something about me. i have no fecking clue what's wrong with me. but i feel so damn alone. maybe because it's like 4am and i'm a pathetic loser who can't sleep and sits on the computer.


i am so ridiculous. i need a way to get out of my head. 


Viewing 1 - 8 out of 8 Comments

06/18/2008 16:16:35
i really do appreciate everyones ideas, thoughts, and advice. thanks so much everyone. :)

06/18/2008 14:53:23

I'm not going to say what you already know. But, I know that feeling.

Something funny, though.  One of the guys that have wasted my time ended up asking me out at the beginning of the week... then after seven days, broke up with me on facebook.  I'd have to say, that was my shortest relationship ever.

And guess his mother's profession.

A stripper.

Anyways, go out there... and forget about being single.

06/18/2008 13:50:03

Never feel bad about expressing your feelings. You would be a fool not to express yourself. It's not good to keep things bottled up.

You're not alone in the sense that people (including myself) understand what you're going through. It's natural to want companionship and affection. We're human, right? 

I wish I can fix your problem but everyone is different. It can work for you or not but here's a suggestion. What I tend to do is try to be happy on my own and sorround myself with friends. When you are left alone with your thoughts that's when things gets crazy. I know ... that still happens to me sometimes. 

But yeah, not sure if you have any goals you would like to reach or something but try to keep busy. Join in activities, go to trips and things like that.

For example, I'm currently looking for a new full-time job, going to learn how to drive so that I can get my driver's license this year, go to museums, plan trips with friends, go to concerts (already going to 2) and etc. See? Hopefully I'm making sense.

Not sure if it would help but that's my suggestion. I know how this sucks. 

Always keep in mind that you're not alone in feeling this way and feel free to vent. Don't think you're looking bad by doing so. Not at all.  

Take care and hope you feel better! 





06/18/2008 11:58:53
You know alot of times people are too insecure to tell others how they feel.  Maybe theres a kid who feels like he's got no shot in the world with you,   and when they tell you your pretty they don't know how to go further with it.  I knew I was absolutely clueless about girls liking me until I hit my 20's.  And it is Cliche,   but it will happen.  The biggest thing you can do is not to settle on someone your not happy with,  because then you'll be even worse off.  Being alone sucks,  but being with someone who isn't good for you sucks even more.  Love will find a way.  ( obligatory cinderella lyrics)  :)

06/18/2008 09:17:27

Meet another red headed ridiculous in me .. I could say a lot of things to you some even cliche I suppose but I live for what might be .. the light at the end of the tunnel.

We all deserve more and please do not feel totally alone .. bet there are plenty of people in this place that would be there for you

06/18/2008 06:23:08

I know you don't want the platitudes, but you are definitely not alone, especially here - it's been years for me, to.  

I do know when it does happen it will blow your mind. Until then, you have all the redd love you can handle.

To start here's this;

FYI you are beautiful  

06/18/2008 03:44:49
Come join the club...........I have door prizes waiting.........I haven't had a worthwhile relationship in years now either.......Then again, its more peaceful this way...(Least thats what i tell myself)....All the chicks interested in me, I'm not interested in....And all the ones I am, aren't.........I find that going out to somewhere naturally amazing helps though....Reminds you that your problems are really quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

06/18/2008 03:19:19
I'm ridiculous too, I can't sleep either, and look where I am right now!

All of your feelings are valid, and NOTHING is wrong with you. Everyone gets lonely, even misanthropes, I bet, and everyone longs for someone to hold them.

It's been years for me (I KNOW!) and now it looms so large and strange in my head that I can't even picture a time when I'll have another boyfriend (TMI, I know, I know, it's my specialty).

Anyway, patience is always good, but so is diversion. By that I mean write everything down, write poetry, write letters to people you like (but don't send the letter, just pour out your heart), write write write and read read read.

Sometimes a really good book will get you out of your head like nothing else, ya know?

I don't really have any advice except know that you're really NOT alone in your lonliness. There are literally millions of people rowing the same boat.

(And it WILL happen, sorry, couldn't resist! )

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