Ah yes, the sun is shining today
(Well it is here, dunno about anywhere else). In my blog today, I would just like to say a friendly hello to all the redheads out there (who like me) and moon the ones who don't.
I would just like to add that not everyone is going to get my sense of humour. I have found this for most of my life, and that's fine, but I promise you that the majority of the time - I am kidding. (Unless of course it is to do with something very serious - then I wouldn't.) It is what gets me through life, and granted, not everyone likes it, but can I ask the person who left the nasty comment on my profile about being "bored" with my blogs not to do that if you don't accept responses? It's a bit cowardly to hit and run like that and utterly pointless because all I'm going to do is remove it. I didn't find your conversation in the Shout Box particularly rivetting either, but at least I said it to you live and in person.
If you don't like my blogs, don't read them. It's very simple. Same goes for the joke survey. It was just that. People are rarely brutally honest in surveys anyway, and they are there for entertainment purposes.
That aside - I hope everyone has a great day and enjoys their Easter (or Ostara if you're a heathen like me
), and keep happy folks - "always look on the bright side of life" as the Python boys would say.
I know, sometimes we can't because of serious issues - and my heart also goes out to those who are going through bad times. I hope that you get through this soon. Have a peaceful Easter, all. Cheers.
Tags: Morning