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Gentle Reminder (That I know Where You Live)
Posted On 03/28/2009 21:16:29 by steve

Gentle readers, Redhedds, favored friends and beloved compatriots,

This is just a friendly reminder that WE HAD A DEAL. The deal was that I would send you a t-shirt and you would post up pics of you in it. 

Now! As you already know thanks to my prolific and enthusiastic play-by-play blogging, I have fulfilled my end of the bargain. The t-shirts were sent last friday, the 20th.  For all you Hedds in the states, you should have your shirts by now. 

But! To date I have only seen one (extremely devoted, dieharded, totally awesome) redhedd who has posted pics. (thank you Ponts).

So! Make with the pics. Or I'll sic Rocko and Knuckles on yer ingrate arses.

thank youuuu!


Viewing 1 - 13 out of 39 Comments

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04/06/2009 18:03:49
aww UK peeps want a shirt toooo!

04/05/2009 18:01:52
Since I am soooooooooo diehard - can I have a toaster oven with a redhedd.com sticker on it? Eh- better yet - I already have the business cards - I wrote my name all over them but I can't seem to find them and have been getting some very bizarre phone calls about carrots - you think there is a correlation?

04/05/2009 17:51:27
bugger. i havnt gotten mine yet :S

04/05/2009 00:42:49
Do we get one in the UK??

04/04/2009 02:54:41
alright cap'n uploading it now

04/02/2009 23:12:23
lost mine in the move from my dads/cant be arsed to take a pic soooo deal

04/02/2009 16:23:28
woops my bad...forgot i will do that asap

04/02/2009 13:30:14

my bad i gotta find someone to take a sexy pic of me!! 


04/02/2009 12:50:20
sorry steve, i moved before i got my shirt so when im back around kansas city ill grab it.... i was thinking of a red hot chili pepperesque pic with the shirt on my @$#$

04/01/2009 18:06:20
i made myself a vip again, so now i'm waiting for my shirt

04/01/2009 17:06:55
Ayyyaye Sir! Right away! And my shirt matches my coffee cup....WOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!!

04/01/2009 16:18:32
Leave it with me Steve, I'm on the case, thanks by the way for the t-shirt

04/01/2009 11:32:38
I am working on it Steve :)- I had not a cam :) - but I got one now and I did a foto, but it looks crap yet I will upload it anyway :)!

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