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Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7083 Blogs.
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Just a word to let everyone know that the points/stars system has been hijacked by Somali pirates. We're currently in negotiations and should have them back where they oughter be lickity split. ... Read More
Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Kits bed Ever kissed anyone 30 or older? uhmm Do you miss anyone? jessie :( What are you listening to? nothing Is there one place you'd like to visit? spain Have you held hands with anyone today? Nope Do you like winter? YES... Read More
If you were in the hospital would your recent ex come see you? haha, don't even get me starteddd. Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? It depends on who it is. Last thing you ate? Turkey bagel sandwich :) What does your number two call you? This isn't MySpace :) When was the last time you really laughed? I always laugh, seriously. When was the last time you saw your number two? -------- What’s something you really... Read More
It's been just over 2 weeks since my fusion surgery, and I believe that I am one of the lucky ones that will have a full recovery.It is a hard decision to make when faced with an unknown, will the surgery work or will it make matters worse, sometimes you just have to roll the dice and find out.The only disapointing part is the droves of people around me that paid lip service, i.e. "If you need anything give me a call". Uh-huh, and when I really needed their help they opened a 6 pak or excuses le... Read More
USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to send it back to the person you received it from! (38 questions) 1. Where is your cell phone? smashed 2. Your significant other? Amanda 3. Your hair? long 4. Your mother? retarded 5. Your father? who? 6. Your favorite piece of jewelry? ring 7. Your dream last night? unsure 8. Your favorite dri... Read More
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